Into the city of London we plunged with our rolling carry on suitcases and backpacks. First we were met with the towering impact of John Stott, followed by the warm, hospitable embrace of Mark Greene of LICC, followed by the provocative Hannah Moore and the inspiring William Wilberforce and the Clapham Sect at Clapham Commons.
We ended the day with the thoughtfully engaging Chris Wright as he portrayed
the God of the Bible’s restoration of all things over dinner at The Castle in
Islington. A daunting day of discovery for each of us. We are all healthy and
after a sound night of sleep, we were ready for day two.
Comments from the crew:
With Mark Greene, he gave us all such a warm welcome as he talked with us
about the “Six M’s” mission of what it looks like to follow Christ in the
environment of the workplace. His dry witty humor was a midday pick up in the
middle of the day. ~Janis, Karoline, and Bekah
Mark – Impressive but humble – all the books on the book shelf with his name on them…a good role model – showed what’s involved in overcoming challenges in the workplace. ~ Bekah
Stepping into God’s story was so clear…it wasn’t and isn’t about just us or Mark. ~Jennifer
London was beautiful – we had an unusually warm sunny day. ~ Ryan and Paige
Chris Wright – no matter what question he was asked – he spoke clearly about our being shaped by the missionary God of the bible, which is bigger than anything of ourselves. He was calm and confident. His demeanor indicated he trusted the value of what he was saying. ~ Karoline
God invites us into His mission – and what we add, counts.
Thank you for all your support!
You all look so happy and eager! What a great beginning, to actually meet Mark Greene and Chris Wright! Looking forward to hearing more!
Praying for you and thankful you have this opportunity to go, learn, and grow—individually and together! May our Lord be with you, each and all!